Saturday, May 21, 2011

Like Father, Like Son? by Roger T. Muir and Greg D. Boyle

We’ll be reading Like Father, Like Son?, by Roger T. Muir and Greg D. Boyd in honor of Fathers Day. We honor the men that have become fathers, step-fathers, grandfathers, uncles, teachers and role-models to our youth to help them on their way through life.  We’ll be able to get the author to come in and talk about the book. We would like to get as many people as we can involved. The majority of our club is Women and Mothers, we would like to get Fathers and Men involved in the discussion. We’ll be also joining another book club in Stockton, the South Rim Book Club. Book chosen by Ronnalee Hesford. 

About the Book: 
Co-authored by Roger T. Muir and Greg D. Boyle, this quick read retales the true stories of two young boys who grew up in very different circumstances. One had a dad in the home, the other did not. Both find paths to success, but at what cost, and how can you ensure you're on the right track?Concerned with the staggering statistics that 85% of all imprisoned youth and 63% of all youth suicides come from children of fatherless homes, this book explores a very serious topic with the greatest of integrity and compassion, combining tough realities with a great blend of humor, hope and inspiration. 

***Richard Paul Evans, NY Times #1 best selling author of The Christmas Box stated, “In their book, Like Father, Like Son?, Muir and Boyle examine the impact a good father can have on his son – and the damaging effects his absence can create. As you contemplate the stories and recommendations shared, I believe you will find a sense of healing and renewed potential."***

Book’s website - 

****Note:  An interview of Roger T. Muir will be on Sunday May 22nd. at 9:00 am on Channel 5 KSL. Also, Deseret News will have a news article on May 22nd’s edition about the author.  

We will post a link of the article on the blog. We want to get some men and fathers from all walks of life and places in the discussion of the book. Please calll Jamie at 435-840-8183 or RonnaLee at 435-830-6632. You are welcome to add your comments and thoughts about this book and others we have read in the past. You can also email us at

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