November's Book Choice
Chosen by Kathleen Memmott
Meeting held at Kathleen Memmott's House on November 11th, 2009
***Facebook Discussion***
RonnaLee Thompson Hesford
Share your thoughts as you read our book for November.
Jamie Wilde West
Spoiler Alert!!!!
This was a fast read and it really kept my interest. At the beginning to feel sorry for the main character Sarah Louise and that she always got the short end of the stick in everything. But as the story went on that she was the only person how her parents leaned on in their struggles. But, one character that really irritated me was the Grandmother on how she recited scripture on every daily complication that went on in the household. I was sad when Call came home from the War and announced that he was getting married to Caroline. Then Sarah decided to leave the island to pursue her education and her career. I also loved how Sarah was very close to her father and was there helping him with the fishing. This made me think how my relationship with my father is, we are very close and I am known to be a Daddy's Girl. Always there helping him with any projects he was doing.
Anyway, it was a very well written book.
RonnaLee Thompson Hesford
I ditto everything that Jamie has said about the book. I wanted more of Sarah Louise's life AFTER she left the island. I wanted a few more chapters of the process she went throught to realize she was a unique and important person.
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