Sunday, September 5, 2010

Agent Bishop by Mike Peters

July's Book Choice

Agent Bishop by Mike Mc Peters
Chosen by Lela Anderson
Meeting held on Saturday, July 31, 2010 at 12:00pm at Lela Anderson's House

****Facebook Discussion****

Jamie Wilde West This book was kind to a trial for me. I usually get the audiobook version....but in this case there wasn't an audiobook version available. With the audiobook I can listen to it while I drive in my long commute to Salt Lake City to work, while cleaning house or doing something. This, I had to sit and read..... it was quite a struggle.

Anyway, I loved the book.....the story how the main character juggled being a FBI Agent and a Mormon Bishop was great. I know of a couple of great men in my ward that work in the Criminal Justice Field and they serve neat callings in the Church. One is a Highway Patrol Man and the other is a Lawyer.......I couldn't help but think what kind of things these great men are exposed to in their field. Always witnessing someone broking the law or in the Lawyer's case defending the criminal's case. In Agent Bishop, the Author also talk about how his wife supported him in being a Bishop and a FBI Agent. With those men in my ward, they are married to some awesome women that I look up to who support their husbands in their career and their callings in the Church.

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