Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde

Feburary's Book Choice
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde
Chosen by Jim Wilde
Meeting held on Saturday, February 27, 2010 at 2:00pm at The Stockton Fire Station.

Event Details: We met at the Fire Station, discussed the book and watch the play on DVD that's was borrowed from Sheldon Talbot's video collection.

****Facebook Discussion****

RonnaLee Thompson Hesford Our book club met today to discuss The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde. Since this was written as a play, we watched it today on video. It was good to see it as a play after reading it. It was interesting to learn a little bit about Oscar Wilde himself.

When I first began to read the play, I found it slow and easily got distracted. As I got farther into the play, I found the odd characters like Aunt Augusta very quirky. There were many odd lines of dry humor sprinkled without the text.

I'm glad I read this classic and learned about it's author.

Jamie Wilde West I love this book. I remember back in High School my senior year we read this book. My English teacher announced to the class that we were reading this book. The entire class turned around to look at me and a guy that was sitting behind me asked, "Dude, are you related to him?" As we read the book in class I laughed at the english humorous content, because my Dad loves english humor and it rubbed on me. As I read it now, it was refreshing to read it again. I still love those same jokes that I laughed at while reading it back then.

RonnaLee Thompson Hesford I got more out of Mr. Wilde's play after watching two different movie versions of it. I caught many humorous lines that I had missed before. I've never been one to "get" English humor much, but some lines were just great.

Here's a taste of the version we watched at the meeting.

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